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Kode ini membuat jadwal rilis dari hari Senin sampai Minggu yang dibuat dengan style Tabs.
Pasang RasganeJS atau BloggerScript v1.2.0 di atas tag
. -
Pasang kode css di dalam tag
..box_schedule:root { --w-1: 100%; --w-2: 50%; --w-3: 33.3333333%; --w-4: 25%; --w-5: 20%; --w-6: 16.66666%; } .no_data{display:block;text-align:center;font-size:1.5em;font-weight:600;opacity:.5} .tab-content .tab-pane{display:none} .tab-content{display:block} .box_schedule{overflow:hidden} .box_schedule>ul{list-style:none;display:flex;flex-wrap:nowrap!important;overflow-y:hidden;overflow-x:auto;margin-bottom:.5rem;border-bottom:1px solid #484f56} .box_schedule>ul li{display:block;padding:.5em 1em;transition:color .15s ease-in-out,background-color .15s ease-in-out,border-color .15s ease-in-out;opacity:.75;cursor:pointer;white-space:nowrap} .box_schedule>ul{color:#0c70de;opacity:1;font-weight:600;border-bottom:2px solid #0c70de} .tab-content .tab-pane>a{float:left;width:var(--w-6)} .box_schedule .tab-content .tab-pane > a .box_artikel{margin:5px} .box_schedule .tab-content .tab-pane > a .box_artikel .thumb{padding:142% 0 0;position:relative;overflow:hidden;background:#333} .box_schedule .tab-content .tab-pane > a .box_artikel .thumb img{width:100%;height:100%;object-fit:cover;min-height:120px;top:0;position:absolute;transition:all .15s ease-out} .box_schedule .tab-content .tab-pane > a .box_artikel .thumb .eps{background-color:#ffc107;position:absolute;z-index:1;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;padding:.25rem;color:#000;text-transform:uppercase;font-weight:700;text-align:center} .box_schedule .tab-content .tab-pane > a .box_artikel h3{font-size:15px;margin:.5rem 0;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;display:-webkit-box;-webkit-box-orient:vertical;-webkit-line-clamp:2} @media only screen and (max-width: 900px) { .tab-content .tab-pane>a{float:left;width:var(--w-4)} } @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { .tab-content .tab-pane>a{float:left;width:var(--w-3)} } @media only screen and (max-width: 540px) { .tab-content .tab-pane>a{float:left;width:var(--w-2)} }
Pasang kode javascript di bawah
<script>//<![CDATA[ let days = ['Senin', 'Selasa', 'Rabu', 'Kamis', 'Jumat', 'Sabtu', 'Minggu']; let cp_schedule = new BloggerScript({ noImage: "", sizeImage: 's320' }); const get_cp_schedule = (e) => { let get_location = document.querySelector('.box_schedule'); let entry = cp_schedule.getFeed(e); let groupedEntries = {}; days.forEach(day => { groupedEntries[day] = entry.filter(entry => entry.label.includes(day)); }); console.log(groupedEntries); let ulContent = ''; let tabContent = ''; days.forEach((day, index) => { ulContent += `<li class="nav-item" data-post="${index + 1}">${day}</li>`; let entriesHtml = ''; groupedEntries[day].forEach(item => { let eps = item.label.find(i => ["Episode","Eps.","Ep"].some(s => i.includes(s))); entriesHtml += ` <a href="${}"> <div class="box_artikel"> <div class="thumb"> <img src="${item.image}" alt="${item.title}"> ${eps?`<div class="eps"><span>${eps}</span></div>`:''} </div> <h3>${item.title}</h3> </div> </a>`; }); if (entriesHtml === '') { entriesHtml = `<span class="no_data">No Post...</span>`; } tabContent += `<div class="tab-pane" data-post="${index + 1}">${entriesHtml}</div>`; }); if (get_location) { get_location.innerHTML = `<ul>${ulContent}</ul><div class="tab-content">${tabContent}</div>`; // Add event listener for tab switching document.querySelectorAll('.nav-item').forEach(item => { item.addEventListener('click', function() { document.querySelectorAll('.tab-pane').forEach(pane => pane.classList.remove('active')); document.querySelector('.tab-pane[data-post="' + this.getAttribute('data-post') + '"]').classList.add('active'); document.querySelectorAll('.nav-item').forEach(item => item.classList.remove('active')); this.classList.add('active'); }); }); // Set the active tab based on the current day let today = new Date().getDay(); // 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, ..., 6 = Saturday let dayIndex = today === 0 ? 6 : today - 1; // Adjust the index to match the days array (0 = Senin, ..., 6 = Minggu) console.log(today); document.querySelectorAll('.nav-item')[dayIndex].classList.add('active'); document.querySelectorAll('.tab-pane')[dayIndex].classList.add('active'); } }; const run_cp_schedule = () => { let get_location = document.querySelector('.box_schedule'); if (get_location) { let label_name = get_location.dataset.label || false; cp_schedule.xhr(`/feeds/posts/default${label_name == false ? '' : `/-/${label_name}`}?alt=json-in-script&max-results=150`, get_cp_schedule); } }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { run_cp_schedule(); }); //]]></script>
Dan Terakhir tambahkan tag html ini untuk menampilkan kodenya.
<div class="box_schedule">Loading...</div>
Apa bedanya RasganeJS dan BloggerScript?
ReplyDeleteRasganeJS hanya gabungan beberapa kode yang saya sering gunakan (TimeAgo,Move Element,BloggerScript V.1.2.0 Custom,Klik Random Post,Up Button,Show Year, other.).
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi, do you make progress on your theme project?
Deleteblogger script v2 installed from github but the schedule widget did not worked .🥲 screenshot :
ReplyDeletetry checking in the console, what is the error. or you can also use RasganeJS
Deletethanks error solved min . also i was trying to create a comments widget for blogger . can you please review my code ?
DeleteCode ===>
remember this is not finished
Deleteohh thanks min . can i get the source code ?
Delete<div id="comments-container"></div>
:root {
--bg-color: #333;
--text-color: #fff;
--secondary-text-color: #bbb;
--footer-text-color: #888;
--gap-size: 15px;
#comments-container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
gap: var(--gap-size);
.comment-card {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
padding: var(--gap-size);
background-color: var(--bg-color);
color: var(--text-color);
border-radius: 8px;
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
position: relative;
transition: background-color 0.3s ease;
.comment-header {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.comment-avatar {
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
border-radius: 50%;
margin-right: 10px;
object-fit: cover;
.comment-header h4 {
margin: 0;
font-size: 1em;
.comment-header p {
margin: 0;
font-size: 0.9em;
color: var(--secondary-text-color);
.comment-text {
font-size: 1em;
margin: 10px 0;
font-style: italic;
.comment-footer {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
.comment-footer span {
font-size: 0.8em;
color: var(--footer-text-color);
.post-thumbnail {
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
border-radius: 8px;
object-fit: cover;
position: absolute;
right: 15px;
bottom: 15px;
@media (max-width: 600px) {
.post-thumbnail {
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
.comment-header h4,
.comment-header p,
.comment-footer span {
font-size: 0.9em;
const fetchComments = () => {
const blogUrl = ''; // Replace with your blog URL
const commentsFeedUrl = `${blogUrl}/feeds/comments/default?alt=json&max-results=5`;
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
const comments = data.feed.entry || [];
.catch(error => console.error('Error fetching comments:', error));
// const fetchPostThumbnail = (postUrl, callback) => {
// fetch(`${postUrl}/feeds/posts/default?alt=json`)
// .then(response => response.json())
// .then(data => {
// const post = data.entry;
// const thumbnailUrl =$thumbnail ?$thumbnail.url.replace('s72-c', 's160-c') : '';
// callback(thumbnailUrl);
// })
// .catch(error => {
// console.error('Error fetching post thumbnail:', error);
// callback('');
// });
// };
const displayComments = (comments) => {
const commentsContainer = document.getElementById('comments-container');
let comment_html = '';
comments.forEach(item => {
let authorImage =[0].gd$image.src;
let authorName =[0].name.$t;
let publishedDate = item.published.$t;
let content = item.content.$t;
comment_html += `<div class="comment-card">
<div class="comment-header">
<img src="${authorImage.replace('/s32-c/', '/s64-c/')}" alt="author avatar" class="comment-avatar">
<p class="comment-text">"${content}"</p>
<div class="comment-footer">
<span>${new Date(publishedDate).toLocaleString()}</span>
${authorImage ? `<img src="${authorImage}" alt="post thumbnail" class="post-thumbnail">` : ''}
commentsContainer.innerHTML = comment_html;
window.onload = fetchComments;
thanks min
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deletehello min , i am developing moopa clone and i need a schedule model . can i use this Schedule on my theme with credits ?
ReplyDeletethanking you ,
no problem, this code can be used publicly